Marie Zélie – 2024 Relaunch

In 2023, we had to file for bankruptcy of Marie Zélie SA, founded in 2017, in which we developed the brand founded in 2015.

The difficult situation opens a new phase in the life of the brand. The changes that have been made allow Marie Zélie to continue its operations under new rules.

We have established a new company, Rosa Fortis, Inc. in the US, which will resume Marie Zélie operations in 2024. We have already succeeded in attracting the first American investors, and we are in talks with more people who want to get involved in the brand’s development in the new company.

What is the plan for 2024?

First half of 2024

  1. [ACHIEVED] ✅ $100,000 raised in the first Rosa Fortis, Inc. round for relaunching operations, including American and Polish investors

June-September 2024

  1. Raise $500,000 to fully re-establish the operations
  2. Hire an operating manager with a formal CEO title to scale the operations
  3. We will resume production in Poland and Asia, offering new products in the store
  4. We will resume sales in Poland and Europe as part of the partnership with Rosa Fortis, Inc. and preparations for the brand buyout to the new company
  5. We will start sales in the US market from separate warehouses located in the US — fulfillment by external partners.
  6. We will make a profit in the Polish company Rosa Fortis, a subsidiary of Rosa Fortis, Inc. Yes, this is possible very quickly, thanks to the costs of running the brand, which have fallen close to zero. Thanks to the work done in recent years, high marketing and employment costs are not necessary. We can resume production with a minimum of in-house labor, thanks to the designs and processes developed earlier. Therefore, the brand in the new company will be in a very secure financial position — without high costs, but with great potential for sales.

October-December 2024

  1. We will continue to increase sales and profits in Poland and the US.
  2. We will resume numerous collaborations with influencers from around the world, building global brand recognition.
  3. We will finalize the buyout of the Marie Zélie brand to Rosa Fortis through the necessary procedure in court. Rosa Fortis, Inc. will continue to operate the brand.

Projected financial result of Polish subsidiary of Rosa Fortis for June 2024 – May 2025




net profit

Marie Zélie – Origin Story

The seeds of Rosa Fortis, Inc. were sown with the inception of Marie Zélie in November 2015. Krzysztof Ziętarski founded Marie Zélie when he and his wife noticed a gap in the market for comfortable, feminine dresses made from natural fibers. This realization sparked the creation of a brand that stood for beauty, comfort, and elegance in women’s fashion. Achieving impressive sales of $17.4 million, with a monthly peak of $675,000, and fulfilling 240,000 orders with 400,000 products to 60,000 customers, Marie Zélie set a new standard in the fashion industry. Rosa Fortis, Inc. now proudly carries this legacy forward, committed to upholding the principles of superior craftsmanship and timeless design, celebrating the essence of womanhood.

Rapid growth

International customers have been using convenient DTC e-commerce at The unique approach to pricing, and constantly dropping new products, work like a magnet for buyers. Sales skyrocketed to $675k+ monthly. Marie Zélie’s success caught nationwide attention and awe in Poland. Our huge growth stunned the fashion industry.

Creative campaigns building brand awareness

The image has power. We crave beauty, joy, and femininity. Brand awareness is built by constantly delivering our message with still and motion picture, completed by underrated audio branding. 

Effective advertising

Customers get attracted by the positive image repeatedly delivered to where they spend their time and attention. Social media, video platforms, influencers, display ads. We follow potential customers and whisper „Marie Zélie” in their ears and eyes. It works like a charm. Just take a look!


Facebook followers

8 years

of brand operations


Instagram followers


products shipped


orders fulfilled


products designed



60 people

made up the team at its peak


in order value


paid to Polish sewing plants and fabric suppliers

100 million

page views of store

16 million

visits to store


For Marie Zélie’s offerings to make a successful return in 2024, the support of our community is crucial. Your investment will make it possible to offer new dresses, ensure regular deliveries, reliable customer service and timely returns.

Upcoming Goals

  1. ✅ [ACHIEVED] At least $25,000 to resume production in Poland and Asia
  2. ✅ [ACHIEVED] Raise $100,000 to prepare for the brand buyout.
  3. Raise $500,000 to fully re-establish the operations
  4. Hire an operating manager with a formal CEO title to scale the operations

Forms of Investment

  1. Shares of Rosa Fortis, Inc.
  2. A loan for inventory for the Polish subsidiary of Rosa Fortis, Inc.

*Minimal investment: $1,000

Fill out the investment interest form to learn more:

Share this page with other potential investors to accelerate the return of the brand and the availability of new Marie Zélie products.

Learn more about the Rosa Fortis, Inc.:

Krzysztof Ziętarski – Founder

Krzysztof Ziętarski is not just the founder of Rosa Fortis, Inc.; he’s a visionary who has seamlessly blended his passion for creativity, deep-rooted Catholic values, and entrepreneurial spirit into a unique fashion journey. His path from a successful photographer to the architect of Marie Zélie is marked by innovation, dedication, and a profound understanding of the cultural impact of fashion.

In 2015, driven by a desire to see more beauty and femininity in the world, Krzysztof launched Marie Zélie. The brand rapidly grew under his leadership, achieving an impressive $17.4 million in sales over six years. This success is a testament to Krzysztof’s dedication to creating fashion that’s not just visually appealing but also resonates with the dignity and grace of its wearers.

As a devoted husband and father of five, Krzysztof’s personal values deeply influence his professional endeavors. His journey is about more than business; it’s about shaping a cultural narrative that uplifts and inspires. At Rosa Fortis, Inc., Krzysztof continues this narrative. The company is an extension of Marie Zélie’s mission, broadening its reach and impact into new markets, notably the United States.

Let’s connect!

Rosa Fortis, Inc.

Marie Zélie

NOTA PRAWNA. Marie Zélie SA z siedzibą w Gdańsku (80-386), przy ul. Lęborskiej 3 B, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców KRS prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy w Gdańsku, VII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem KRS 0000677398, posiadająca NIP: 5842760286 z kapitałem zakładowym w wysokości 141 792,00 zł.

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